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Let’s Make it Viral…#CLEARTHELISTS

Hop on board the emotional rollercoaster we call, “Back to School.” Ugh. Getting back into a routine is both good and stressful all at the same time. But wait… I’ve found the PERFECT stressbuster.

As a motivational speaker, August is my favorite work month as I get the opportunity to speak to school districts around the country. After an event last week, a teacher tweeted about how much she enjoyed my program. I was curious. So, I checked out her profile, and there was an Amazon link to a wishlist for her classroom.

Hmmm… I perused her list. Teachers use their own money for their classrooms (which is heartbreaking). Their work is so important, but they often do not have all the resources necessary. Maybe I can help out here.

Add to Cart, Repeat, Buy, Ship

It was such a thrill to add items she needed to my cart, click BUY and know an Amazon package was on its way to surprising a worthy teacher. Then, I noticed a hashtag that read, #CLEARTHELISTS – how is it possible that I have not heard of this movement?

Going to Twitter, I found hundreds of teachers looking for items. One wrote that she couldn’t stop checking the list because she was so excited, hoping someone would buy the self-sharpening crayons. I couldn’t click BUY fast enough. Sign your name to let the teacher know how much he or she is appreciated. Or, you could simply sign the gift card, “Someone who loves teachers” to add a little mystery.

Whose Buzz is Better?

You will not believe the endorphin rush when you do this! Once I started, I couldn’t stop. My husband kept getting Amazon alerts and thought my account was compromised. It was such a thrill. DO THIS!  Let’s help teachers clear their classroom wish lists.

Go to Twitter or Facebook and search, #clearthelists, then click on the Amazon wishlist links. It is SO EASY!  Start local with your schools, act on the stories that move you, or seek out impoverished areas. There is a lift in the gift. It is the perfect mood elevator! You could get your own kids involved in a real-life teaching moment. My daughter, Camille, joined me in the gift frenzy. We had a blast and she experienced the joy of giving.

Try it and see! Many items are inexpensive, so even if you just get one thing, the feel-good feelings are the same! Let’s LOVE on our educators; surprise, delight and support them.

Once you do this, comment with your story and your buzz. Please share #clearthelists with others and let’s kick off this school year by helping our amazing educators.


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