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How to Stay Inspired When You are So Damn Tired

I had high hopes for my pandemic lockdown. But what I’m finding is regardless of whether I’ve accomplished ANYTHING, I flop into bed exhausted. How about you? Yes, stress does that to us!

I’m a motivational speaker and as you might guess, not doing a whole lot of speaking. So, I’m trying to drink my own Kool-Aid and make the most of this unusual time. It has taken me a few months to get my feet planted right, but I found some strategies that can bring light where you may be feeling some darkness — energy gainers, instead of energy drainers.

I call it the 4H Club. No, not the wonderful youth-based organization where you show your hogs. Instead, this is a tool to help you remember the four pieces that can give you peace: HEALTH, HOME, HEAD, and HEART. Let’s get started.


Many of us are struggling to stay on the health bus right now. There is the occasional over achiever on social media showing off their new buff body, but for the rest of us, this pandemic is becoming a poundemic! Instead of going full out, just do something small for your health every day. Take your vitamins. Go for a long walk. Meditate. Try to not drink alcohol EVERY night. In the beginning, I had my head in a bag of M&M’s saying that I would deal with my health (and fitting into my clothes) when this is over. Do not do that. Do not wait. At least once a week, wear something other than yoga/sweatpants. Seriously, something with a zipper and less than 5% spandex.


Yes, we all had that master plan for clean-up and organization when this all started. If you are like me, you discovered that TIME is not the enemy. DESIRE is! In the beginning, we started strong, but the desire for organization quickly took a backseat. To feel some accomplishment at the end of the day, do ONE tiny project. Tackle one junk drawer (doesn’t have to be big), file that pile of papers in your office, or better yet, recycle what you don’t need and will probably never look at again. Say goodbye to magazines that you have held onto for years, feeling guilty about not reading. Change the dang filter in your Brita water container. If you’re feeling bold, go for the furnace filter too! Start small… you will build momentum. You’ve got this.


There are so many classes online right now that are FREE or low cost. Instead of lamenting over the news, put your time and energy in learning something new! A friend is taking sign language, another is taking up yoga, and I was gifted the Masterclass series. Yup, just took a comedy class with Steve Martin. It was wonderful! If you have always wanted to learn about (fill in the blank), now is your chance. Don’t waste it! If you have ever uttered the phrase, “I wish I had extra time to do (fill in the blank)…”, now is the time. Get up and start your day with 30 minutes of learning something new. Your brain will thank you.


What can you do to help others? Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Write cards to people to lift their spirits. I still love getting real snail mail! Leave a roll of toilet paper on a neighbor’s doorstep (after confirming it’s not going to rain and you have a square to spare). Make sure you are posting positive on social media. Do you know why John Krasinski’s Good News segments are getting so much attention? Not only are they good, they make you feel good while watching. As I have said before, there is a gift in the lift. If you are feeling down, the best way to feel better is to do something nice for someone else.


Many people (myself included) are riding a coronacoaster of emotions these days and it is not easy to stay positive. As we emerge from this Twilight Zone, if you become a member of the 4H Club and do one thing (no matter how small), in each “H” category, I promise you that you will be more inspired and less damn tired. I promise.
What are you doing to get inspired? Please share in the comments.

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