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The Cost Of Free Time

Like many of you, I have no fewer than 3 full time jobs. Truly. For me, it’s full-time speaker, full-time parent, full-time author-preneur. I know, it’s not possible to have three full times at once, but somehow I’ve pulled it off, triple-timing through August 22, 2011 (a date etched in my mind!), the day my youngest started kindergarten.


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hockey figures using a puck that says facebook

Facebook Face-Off: Should a Smackdown be a PDA? (Public ...

Have you ever seen or been a part of an angry war of words on Facebook? Have you ever seen a response to a post that made you cringe?


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The Grass is always greener on the other side of a Facebook post

FaceBook Envy

ove you Facebook—CURSE you Facebook.
Have you ever read your Facebook news feed and felt a pang of jealousy, compared yourself with others or felt as though everyone is having more fun than you?


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Illustration of man in sportcoat and with tie exiting an airplane via the emergency exit with slides deployed.

What if You Don’t Have an Emergency Escape Slide?

Why did Jet Blue flight attendant Steven Slater’s wild job exit last week [insert Paul Simon’s ‘Slip Slidin’ Away’ here] capture the imagination of the entire country? Are you kidding?! Who hasn’t dreamt of leaving a “job from hell” in a really dramatic fashion — especially those who work with the ever-entitled public!


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Danger Poison Warning Sign in Black Text and Symbols on Yellow ground

Mood Poisoning Epidemic

Watch out, be careful and on high alert – it can happen anywhere and anytime…your mood can be poisoned. You can be zipping along enjoying your day and run across a jerky person and WHAM! Instantly you are in a foul mood. Sometimes this lasts for about an hour. Other times it can last days, months or even YEARS. You know you have mood poisoning when “things just aren’t that funny” anymore, criticizing others becomes a sport, and you have an uncanny urge to slap happy people.


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hand drawn comic. A man is standing in the checkout line at the grocery store. The sign says fifteen items or less. The woman behind him says "actually you have nineteen items"

Seven Habits of Highly Annoying People (H. A. P.)

I’m not quite sure if it’s the full moon or too much time on the road (perhaps a little of both) that has made me especially sensitive to certain peoples’ habits these last few weeks. I joke about the “rule breakers” of society in my presentations, but it seems like they were out in force this week as if to test me. Have you seen any H.A.P. recently?

1. Public Grooming


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